There is a new device -called 100% Off- designed that disconnects electronic appliances in stand-by mode and which reduces their power consumption to zero. This device works with all the existing appliances and can easily be adapted to other appliances that will be designed in the future. This interesting device is developed by a team of researchers from the UPC center for technological innovation.
A study has revealed that during the period of one year the relative cost of running an appliance is higher in standby mode than when it is switched on.
With this device the households will save 12% of energy. In Spain, an average household spends €367 per year on electricity. If the households in Spain eliminate the standby mode, this would result in a save of €44/year.
This device also protects against power surges and extends the useful life of the appliances. The households reach an energy efficiency by controlling the power consumption of individual appliances. It is a microprocessor that measures when an appliance is in standby mode, and it is automatically switched off.
The 100% Off device is a power strip for connecting multiple appliances, some of which can be switched off while others are left in stand-by mode. The device has a green button for switching appliances back on when required.
The system can be integrated into new household appliances, and in the future, 100% Off technology will be compatible with a range of devices, such as laser printers which need to switch between stand-by and off modes.
I think this device is very interesting. All the households are having appliances which are often on standby mode. With this development there could be a lot of energy and money saved. As there is said in this article, there is a lot of useless energy waste on appliances on standby mode.
When I take a look at my bedroom, I have 4 appliances that are daily on the standby mode, a television, a playstation 3, a clock radio and a hi-fi equipment. This device could be very useful in my room!
Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/03/090318090348.htm
Made by Kevin De Pauw
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